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Female leadership in the Forum Dvorah

Women must be an integral part of the decision-making processes in Israel, and in particular in the fields of national security and foreign affairs.

The incorporation of women in these fields, which are at the heart of national importance, promises a transformative and fundamental impact across both public and private sectors. At the core of Forum Dvorah's mission is the advancement of women into leadership roles and positions of influence in the public spheres. While the global community increasingly recognizes the vital role women play in decision-making, Israel still faces a significant journey towards achieving equal representation at every level.

Forum Dvorah is dedicated to integrating expert and professional women into the realms of security and foreign affairs, both through amplifyng their presence in public discourse, and enhancing their managerial skills and professional capabilities. Our goal is to elevate women to leadership and management positions in these fields, recognizing that their inclusion enhance effectiveness, enriches discussions, and resulted in more informed and diverse decision- making.

Key Statistics on the absence of women representation in the fields of security and foreign affairs in Israel

Key Statistics on the absence of women representation in the fields of security and foreign affairs in Israel

​​Main Data:

  • Political-Security Cabinet: Only 1 woman out of 12 members

  • Foreign Affairs and Security Committee: Only 3 women out of 19 members.

  • General Staff Forum: Only 3 female officers out of 34

  • IDF: Women constitute only about 5% of those holding the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs:  Only 27% of Israel’s ambassadors worldwide are women

  • Government ministries: Out of 32 CEOs, only 2 are women.

Creating change in the field


Changing  Perceptions: We work to shift entrenched perceptions among decision-makers with a focus on influencing men in key positions and other people of influence.


Corrective Legal Actions: We use legal tools to promote binding legislation aimed at integrating women into key positions and centers of influence. An example of this is "The High Court of Justice Zero female CEOs" initiative which we promote together with the Women's Lobby and Na'amat.


Presence in the media space: We actively work to increase the presence of women in the media and public discourse as well as in professional forums. 

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In the photo: Shira Efron, a member of the Forum Dvorah on the News-12 panel – one woman out of 7 panel participants.

Raising Awareness: We work to raise the public and media awareness about the underrepresentation of women in key positions, aimingto shift societal and cultural consciousness.

Networks of Influence: We work to establish support and influence networks among women in the fields of foreign affairs, national security and decision-making centers, aiming to amplify their influence and advance gender equality in these critical areas.

Developing young leadership: We empower young women in the fields of foreign affairs and national security, through specialized programs, mentoring and professional training, equipping them them for leadership roles and enhancing their influence in these areas.

Ongoing empowerment: We are committed to a continuous process of empowerment and training, ensuring that women at any stage of their careers have access to the tools and opportunities they need to succeed and lead in the fields of foreign affairs and national security.

Programs and projects

Forum Dvorah mentoring program offers personal guidance for members of Forum Dvorah and Dvorah 2.0, with the objective of providing tools for growth, specialization, and professional advancement. The program includes personal mentoring, group training and workshops, as well as making employment opportunities accessible and providing professional guidance. The mentoring processes are conducted informally between senior members and young members who are on the development track in the fields of foreign policy and national security. Sponsored by the Bruce and Ruth Rappaport Foundation, this program is designed to nurture and empower the next generation of female leadership in these fields.

Forum Dvorah lectures and tours: We orgenize field tours and professional lectures led by members of the Forum and female guest speakers. These leading women come from various fields, including security, foreign affairs, High-Tech and industry, sharing updates, innovative and professional insights with Forum members. The tours offer direct encounter with the most current and valuable information in the field.. We believe that the path to professionalism and leadership begins with direct engagement in the field with the mutual sharing of unique knowledge. 


Practical communication workshops for training women as experts in their field: The practical communication workshops of Forum Dvorah, are designed to empower women and train them to become recognized experts in their fields within both local and international media. The goal is to enable women to present their knowledge and experience professionally and confidently,, and to actively participate in the public discourse on issues that dominate the media and national agenda in the fields of security and foreign policy. The main components of the workshops include development of communication skills, conducting interviews and discussions, building a public presence, practical workshops and experience, and meetings with experts. The communication workshops are sponsored by the Nathan Fund, which believes in the importance of promoting women in leadership and in the media. This collaboration allow Forum Dvorah to provide the participants with best tools and introduce them to leading lecturers and experts in the field.


The promotion of women in the media and in professional conferences: Forum Dvorah team maintains regular contact with media outlets, including reporters, producers and editors with the aim of leveraging opportunities for media appearances by our members.  Additionally, we actively engage with leading conference organizers to ensure that Forum Dvorah members are integrated as experts in their respective field Training council and general assembly members: This 12-session training is designed for for council members in local authorities. It offers a range of lectures and discussions on topics such local politics, national security, personal and community resilience, and personal branding. Participants also have the opportunity to engage in talks with inspirational women and peer dialoguess fostering joint thinking on the challenges that elected officials face. The training is conducted in collaboration with the 'Ken' (Women's Power) Association and with the support by the United States Embassy.

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Meetings with policy and decision makers: Forum Dvorah actively engages with policy and decision makers to advance issues of female leadership. The Forum regularly holds discussions and collaborates with government officials, politicians and senior figures  in both the private and public sectors. These efforts are aimed at raising awareness of the importance of integrating women in key positions and influencing public policy to support this goal.


Training female directors in the fields of security and foreign affairs: This program provides professional training of senior female executives to prepare them for  integrating as directors in public and private companies across Israel. The curriculum offers practical and advanced knowledge in legal, strategic, financial and managerial fields equipping participants to serve as directors with the highest level of professionalism in organizations within the security and foreign affairs sectors in a government, public or private business settings.

As part of the program participants undertake a director certification exam administered by Lahav of the Tel-Aviv University. Upon successful completion, they are eligible to register as members of Israel's Directors Union. This unique program for women is led by Forum Dvorah Forum and Lahav – a prestigious international academic institution dedicated to the professional growth and development of managers.


Success stories: forum Dvorah Forum is proud to witness the success of many members of the Forum who have integrated over the years into key positions across in diverse fields. These include women in senior roles in the IDF, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other security and policy organizations. These achievements serve both as inspiration and encouragement motivating more women to strive for and attain positions of influence. 


Join us – We invite women from all fields of security and foreign affairs to join Forum Dvorah.

Together, we will continue to promote female leadership and ensure that women contribute fully to national security and Israel's foreign policy.

Women can and should integrate into the security and political ranks:

"Those who believe that only men who graduated from the military are the ones who should make decisions regarding the security in the State of Israel are making a grave mistake."


Listen to Colonel (Res.) Miri Eisin, one of the founders of Forum Dvorah in an important interview discussing the the critical impact of the lack of diversity in decision-making within the military and security leadership;

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